Make a difference in disadvantaged people's live

Who We Are

Save Our World is an international aid and development charity based in Preston, Lancashire. We focus on providing global humanitarian support to people facing crises such as natural disasters, famine, or war. Our efforts go beyond immediate relief, aiming to empower communities through sustainable projects that help them rebuild and thrive. Volunteers, both locally and overseas, are the heart of our mission, and their dedication enables us to deliver vital aid.

What We Do

Our support has reached countries such as India, Pakistan, Syria, Turkey, Bangladesh, Morocco, Yemen, and The Gambia. The type of support that has benefited these countries includes:

  • Emergency Relief: Providing food and shelter in areas affected by natural disasters, conflict, and poverty.
  • Water Infrastructure: Constructing wells and pumps to ensure access to clean water.
  • Medical Support: Our medical aid ensures health care access in underserved areas.
  • Community Building: Developing masjids for communal and educational purposes.
  • Sponsorship Programs: Offering financial support to orphans and widows.
  • Income-Generating Projects: These initiatives promote self-sufficiency and empower communities economically.

How We Work

Our dedicated ground teams, equipped with expertise and local knowledge, ensure that aid is delivered by trusted community members.

In certain regions, we collaborate with partner organisations to leverage their local expertise and resources, ensuring that our projects are effectively implemented and sustained. This partnership ensures effective and culturally sensitive aid delivery.

Our Mission and Vision

  • Mission: To deliver life-changing humanitarian aid and foster resilience by empowering communities to overcome adversity through sustainable solutions and support.
  • Vision: A future where every community can withstand crises, rebuild stronger, and flourish with dignity and independence.